Monday, April 28, 2008

First Time for many things

first time wearing a SOMBRERO!! PAPI'S SOMBRERO! You see me with my hair..long on top and a lil' in the back....
Now ya don't!! Papi (Erix) cut Amulek's hair today, he had some very random long pieces on top of his head and in the back, so Erix thought it was time to cut it, I sniffled through it all, he looks like a lil' man now and not such a baby :( he's growing up way too fast!-Amulek's first hair cut :( *sniff**Sniff*
You can just call me "Shades" I'm gettin ready for a hot sunny summer outside havin' fun with my mami and papi.

My first dance with Tia BuhBekah-she may not like this picture but I do, it shows her simple beauty and the love she has for her nephew. Whenever she visits she pretty much has him in arms the whole time.


Cherine said...

Handsome kiddo! Glad we got to chat! Good luck on finals!!!