so Amulek has this "exersaucer" thing which he loves cause he can "stand up" all by himself, push buttons, and put toys in his mouth, so he is pretty content there.
this has been one if his favorite toys since he was a few weeks old, its some toy he kicks and the toys above him spin and make noises and sing-he kicks like CRAZY!
So Amulek is also almost sitting up by himself now, this was a fun picture because I caught it as he was falling to one side- dont worry he didnt get hurt!
FIRST SNOW!! We only got a few inches, but I couldnt wait to take him out to "play"- we went sledding and he LOVED it!
I do not know why these pics turn out side ways nor have I figured how to put them upright but, here is me pulling Amulek in the sled- I think it was more fun for me than him!
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