Saturday, February 16, 2008

Just for CHERINE!!

Now don't get me wrong, I love all my friends~ but there is a darlin sweet Cherine who loves to hastle me for pictures- ok so I am adding some just for you-we'll see if it works today. Amulek was 4 months on Valentine's Day- I can not believe it! Time goes by so fast! Soon I am gonna have to be running after him- SCARY!
Anyway- life is still EXTREMELY busy! Im on the GO GO GO!!! Homework, callings, Amulek, Erix too of course!

Best Buds

Garner, Amulek's cousin comes up to visit every now and then, and Amulek is now getting to the age where he reacts and loves to play- Garner and Amulek are gonna be such good buddies, play pals, and I am sure Garner is gonna show Amulek all his "tricks"- we'll see if they get into any trouble together.

Happy Valentine's Day

We hope you all had a Happy Valentine's Day! We just wanted to show off Amulek in the outfit his Aunt BuBekah sent him for his first Valentine's Day. And for certain- the boy HAS stolen my heart!